government minister

美 [ˈɡʌvərnmənt ˈmɪnɪstər]英 [ˈɡʌvənmənt ˈmɪnɪstə(r)]
  • 网络政府部长
government ministergovernment minister


a person appointed to a high office in the government
Minister of Finance
Synonym: minister


  1. His shares were placed in a blind trust when he became a government minister .


  2. It 's quite something to be made a government minister at the age of30 .


  3. His popularity rating remains among the lowest of any government minister .


  4. Many of you will know him best , of course , from when he was a government minister .


  5. At a party last week , I met a man who until recently was a government minister .


  6. The government minister hinted at an early election , but refused go give an exact date .


  7. A banker and a government minister were in cahoots over a property deal .


  8. Bill which is draft and proposed by an ordinary member of parliament , not by a government minister .


  9. In December , a senior government minister warned that it was important to protect the innovative elements in knock-offs .


  10. I know several who went through depression without admitting it , including a partner in a City of London firm and one government minister .


  11. Michael Gove , the pro-Brexit former government minister , was wrong when he said we have had enough of experts .


  12. One government minister says that for the past 18 months , every week has brought a new catastrophe , adding : It is like a war .


  13. Senior French government minister Jean-Louis Borloo ruled out the possibility of a hijacking .


  14. Minister without Portfolio is a government minister with no specific responsibilities . Perfect the Management , Clear the Work Duties , Improve the Utility of Instrument Equipment


  15. Police in Zimbabwe have arrested a government minister on suspicion of undermining the authority of President Robert Mugabe .


  16. Viewed this way , all work is pretty meaningless , whether you are journalist , banker , busker or government minister .


  17. Women are overtaking men in education and in the workplace , a senior Government minister said yesterday – creating a new generation of stay-at-home f at hers .


  18. One senior government minister from the regionalist Northern League says the players represent the very worst of the spoiled cast of celebrity millionaires .


  19. Now Ms Royal , herself a former Socialist government minister who stood for the presidency in 2007 , is standing for a place in the National Assembly .


  20. It is now a far greater cliche than ever before that the word of a Government Minister or the representatives of a Government Body can no longer be trusted .


  21. Tapie , a former left-wing government minister who switched sides to support Sarkozy's2007 presidential campaign , was paid to settle a legal dispute with a state-owned bank .


  22. In1971 , a Philippine government minister ( Manuel Elizalde ) discovered a small stone age tribe living in isolation on the island of Mindanao .


  23. Woman jollrnalist ( Asks Princess Diana ): Ma'am , a government minister at home has said you 're a " loose cannon " by supporting this campaign .


  24. " To think that several months down the line we are still receiving support really touches our hearts ," says Mustapha Ali Idris , a government minister in northern Ghana .


  25. Nearly one Spaniard in four is unemployed , according to data released yesterday , as the country 's economic and financial predicament prompted a government minister to talk of a " crisis of enormous proportions . "


  26. Christine Lagarde is staring pensively at her office wall , covered with dozens of framed caricatures marking the highs and lows of her six years as a government minister .


  27. A court in Zimbabwe has freed a government minister , Jameson Timba , who was arrested on Friday on suspicion of undermining the authority of President Robert Mugabe .


  28. They will go to the ODM 's Musalia Mudavadi , who was also named local government minister , and Kibaki ally Uhuru Kenyatta , who will also serve as minister for trade .


  29. If you start asking if your job is worthwhile , you have to conclude it isn 't. Viewed this way , all work is pretty meaningless , whether you are journalist , banker , busker or government minister .


  30. Intelligent women forced to ' dumb down ' and find a less-educated man to marry Women are overtaking men in education and in the workplace , a senior Government minister said yesterday - creating a new generation of stay-at-home fathers .
